Quality Assurance and Accreditation

At the core of its services, NIP deals with human life and is fully conscious that its results are used to make critical decisions about the health and well-being of its valued customers. A wrong result given by a laboratory may lead to an incorrect diagnosis, wrong treatment, or even loss of life.

Additionally, inaccurate results can escalate the costs of providing medical services. In order to ensure and assure the accuracy and reliability of laboratory results, NIP has intentionally implemented a formal Quality Management System (QMS) based on the ISO 15189 international standard and good laboratory practices.

The QMS is implemented in all NIP laboratories to ensure the continual improvement of its testing processes. 38% of the NIP laboratories have been internationally accredited to ISO 15189 through the Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS).

The achievement of international accreditation provides ample evidence that the medical laboratory services of NIP are comparable to any benchmark across the globe. This means the quality of the results produced in these laboratories meets an international benchmark and can be accepted anywhere in the world. The remaining 62% of the NIP laboratories continuously engage in quality improvement through the World Health Organization (WHO)-approved Stepwise Laboratory Quality Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) program.

On the basis of the above, laboratory service users can have confidence in the quality of results that NIP produces.

Kindly see the link below to see the list of NIP’s accredited laboratories. https://www.sadcas.org/accredited-organizations?field_organization_type_tid=11